I started thinking..I have officially wrote three mediocre blogs and no one even knows anything about me. Let me try to summarize, bullet point, and jot down some important things about me. Everyone needs to put a face to a name..or in this case a person to a blog? Yeah, not one of my bests. I am cheesy and dorky, so let's establish that right now early in the game.
Fun Facts:
Lived in over 20 dwellings and I am only 26. - Some people might say I am a gypsy.
I like to talk a lot, and I am pretty good at it. - Most of my jobs since I was twelve was customer service related or sales..talking always got me to the top. Talk more, know more, sell more, make more connections..if only all my old teachers could see me now. They used to always call home to tell my mom I couldn't shut up or I asked to many questions. Why must people try to put a limit on curiosity? RUDE.
Moving on...
Born/raised in NYC.
Lived in West Virginia for almost six years. LET'S GO MOUNTAINEERS!
6 years summed up in just a few photos so I don't have to be obnoxious.. however there are TONS of crazy, embarrassing photos of my friends and I all over Facebook if you are bored and want to take a peak.
Before you ask if I lived near any of those ridiculous TV shows..Buck Wild and the Wonderful Whites..or whatever it's called...I didn't. I went to one of the top Universities for Forensic Science. Yes, also at the time one of the top three party schools in the United States. [Insert hair flip emoji here]
WVU was thus far six of the best years of my life (to date).
I have grown as a person, as a friend, as an intellect, and everything in-between.
Being thrown six hours away from home with my Mom not there to do my laundry or cook for me. No city public transportation. You want to go to the mall in the evening? Good luck getting home. Hitch Hiking became fun.
At first it was a culture shock to me...than my stress subsided and I learned that people are so different based off where they are from. My entire perspective of life completely changed. I learned that people say "Hi" just because, and they hold the door open for you. People were just kinder than NYC. I learned that you can go outside for a hike through the wilderness and not breath in the Staten Island Dump. Instead you smell the fresh air, the trees, and yes kegs of beer.
West Virginia is where I grew up. West Virginia is where I began to live life for me. West Virginia was where I called home.
I am your modern day ball buster. I like to state the obvious, and I have an awful case of word vomit. If I offend anyone in any of my blogs (including you Grammer Natzi), I am truly sorry! I try to just shoot the truth, but life isn't perfect and not everyone is going to love me.
Itty Bitty Years...
When I was younger I went on a LOT of educational trips with my Grandma, Aunt Denny, and cousin Chris. I got to learn about the Native Americans and where Pocahontas was actually from. I got to throw the tea over the boat at the Boston Tea Party in Boston. When I was younger vacations seemed fun..education eh? Looking back now I am grateful for these educational travels with my family. It has been a huge reason for my adventurous side and exploration seeping under my skin.
Goodbye teens..Hello twenties.
At 20- got my passport and was ready to travel as much as I could. I was always a phenomenal saver. Bought my first computer at like eight (Gateway..yep 90's kid). Bought my first car at 17. Miss independent was basically my theme song. I was good at making sure I had enough money for bills and travel because traveling was what made me happy..we should all do what makes us happy am I right?

My Grandma had given us graduation money from High School before she passed away and as soon as I got my passport, I used the money to book my first trip. My first big trip was to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (that was incredible and a funny story which I will have to save for another time).

At 21-Just book a trip to London and Paris and I am stoked because they have been on my bucket list for years. Then I had my emergency surgery and the Doctor wasn't going to let me go but I begged and she made an exception. I am so glad that she did. I made some incredible friendships with people I am still friends with to date. I traveled with EF Ultimate Break and that program has definitely influenced my traveling streak for sure. Shortly after I got back, the girls I met on the trip and myself booked Spain. Unfortunately, that is when the Ebola breakout was really bad...being that I had just gotten my spleen removed my Doctor told me "no chance in hell am I allowing you to go there and put your life at risk". I didn't get to go, but Spain...I am coming for ya! Gave Cancun, Mexico a whirl for Spring Break...immediately regretted my decision. Cancun was not for me, however I plan to explore Mexico at a later date.
Throughout the years I have traveled to several states throughout the United States, but in my older age I appreciate the beauty and the culture more and more and become more aware of how different, yet the same this place we call Earth is.
At 22- Lived in Florida for 3 months. Hated the weather. Surrounded by drunk old people driving around 5 mph in their golf chart. Listening to the radio in the morning about Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Joe getting it on behind the movie theater in the Villages. I can't make this shit up. Perfect people watching place..if you are into that like me. Did a three month internship with Lake County Sheriff's Dept. and found my incredible tattoo artist Chad Santos at Mr. Williams Tattoo Co. in Tavares, FL. Now I travel to Florida a few times a year to see my friend Jess and get tattooed. Oh yeah..I go to Disney a lot too (hence the Disney sleeve I have).
At 23- Moved back to NYC. Devoted ALL of my time to working seventy hours a week, busting my ass, and paying off my student loans so I could be debt free. One year and nine months I was free and booked my next trip. Oh yeah, I got my first (one of now four) apartments in NYC paying overpriced rent for tiny-ass spaces. My research on Tiny Houses continue.
At 24- Met Phil. He was..well...the landlord's son. I had met him and knew it wasn't going to be a good idea. But, conversation was easy and we connected really fast. I wore my hair in a towel, no makeup and a hoodie and could just be myself and this dude was still really into me..weird. Phil is my best friend and I am so happy to be doing this trip with my best friend by my side. Let's save the sappy Phil stuff for a later date.

Went to Costa Rica for ten days with a group of forty four people and one incredible tour director Chris. I had met some extraordinary people on this trip and had the time of my life. I learned so much not just about Costa Rica, but people and culture and how different things are everywhere. I learned about how beautiful a place can be, yet destroyed so often by earthquakes. It was a trip that completely changed my life. I had made lasting friendships with friends from all over the world. Six of us even got matching tattoos. We all wrote a letter to "Pura Vida" and got it tattooed so no matter where we are around the world we are still being weirdos together. Sierra, Mariah, Martina, Emily, and Tayler were and are my people. We formed a friendship so quick that it's hard to describe into words. They are rooting for me every step of this process so far and I couldn't be more grateful for such great new friends..plus now we will all live closer on the West Coast!
Oh yeah..I went on a sister trip with my sister Nicole to California for the first time. San Diego and the LA area to be exact..San Diego is perfect. Weather is perfect. Food is delicious..I will be returning back one day for a full-on beach bum for a few months. Like they say..West Coast Best Coast? I guess I will make that decision for myself in a few months.
At 25- Bought an 2000 Shasta Sprite RV from a family in Connecticut and turned it into my home.

At 25 & 3/4- Six months of sweat, tears, and anxiety attacks..our 18-year-old RV is finally transformed into an ArtV Tiny House on wheels! Phil, myself, and all the incredible people who have helped us build the inside spent months trying to fix and build everything. The last two weeks were dedicated to the Art by the very talented and amazing Chelsea Rae from Mercury and the Architects. Her uncle was nice enough to let us park it in the shop and with Chelsea's design and help Phil, Chelsea, and myself was able to transform the exterior from an RV to an ArtV. I am so grateful to have such a talented and incredible best friend that loves this just as much as us.

It's not exactly the tiny house I at first had in mind and researched for years..but it's even better! I have my tiny house inside and one-of-a-kind art on the exterior. I am moving art. I love art..so this is perfect! My goal during this trip is not only to share my awesome ArtVenture across the United States on my first country trip with you....buttttt I will also be supporting local. Local businesses, makers, dreamers, artists, musicians, creators, and adventurers.
Anddddd going to all the really cool places around the United States that I have always wanted to go, but never had the chance to with my best friend by my side and my home wherever I park it.
That was still a lot and it was as brief as I can make my crazy, adventurous life..but there ya have it!
Stay Sexy my friends